Date: Fri, 8 Apr 94 07:08:31 PDT From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Info-Hams-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Info-Hams Digest V94 #389 To: Info-Hams Info-Hams Digest Fri, 8 Apr 94 Volume 94 : Issue 389 Today's Topics: ANARTS RTTY NEWS BULLETIN 803 03/04/94 Commercial Service in 10M Band? Dayton Room Available ICOM SSB CW AM for Sale! ORBS$098.2L.AMSAT ORBS$098.MISC.AMSAT Question:ICOM 32AT Mod. WANTED: Shure 55S Microphone Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 8 Apr 94 06:33:35 GMT From: agate!msuinfo!!!sserve!usage!metro!!! Subject: ANARTS RTTY NEWS BULLETIN 803 03/04/94 To: [ ANARTS - Australian National Amateur Radio Teletype Society ] ANARTS NEWS BULLETIN 803 03/04/94 SUNDAY TRANSMISSION FREQUENCIES. 3.545 MHz 0930 UTC VK2BQS (Jim) This broadcast will recommence April 10th. 7.045 MHz -3 0030 UTC VK2CTD (Col) 14.070 MHz (amtor/fec) 0030 UTC VK2DPM (Alan) 14.091 MHz 0030 UTC VK2BQS (JIM) 146.675 MHz 0030/0930 UTC VK2JPA (PAT) 144.850 MHz (ax25 bbs) VK2JPA AT VK2RWI 146.675 MHz (rtty mmbbs/repeater) VK2RTY Views expressed in this news bulletin are not necessarily those of the Broadcast Officer, the Relay Officers, or of the Society. Happy Easter to all! ------------------- ARRL proposes 219 - 220 MHz band plan ------------------------------------- An ad hoc committee created by the Executive Committee of the ARRL Board has released a draft of their report. The proposed plan would use the band on a secondary, non-interference basis specifically for coordinated, high speed digital point-to- point communication. The proposal requires that no Amateur station shall cause interference to maritime mobile, fixed stations or other mobile licenses operating in the band. All classes of licenses may use the band. The Amateur operation must cease if harmful operation is not corrected otherwise. The maximum symbol rate of 56 KBaud for codes specified in part 97.309(a) and a maximum of 100 KHz bandwidth for codes not specified in 97.309(a). The proposal suggests 10 100 KHz channels starting at Channel A centered on 219.050 MHz up to Channel J centered on 219.950 MHz. The stated objective of the band would be for a creation of a nationwide high speed Amateur radio data link. reprinted from the RTTY Digital Journal March 1994 Could be something for our amateurs to keep an eye on, not necessarily on the same frequency. --------------------------------------- SARTG WW AMTOR contest (cont.) ---------------------- QSO-points : QSO with own country five (5) points, QSO with other stations in own continent ten (10) points, QSO with other continents fifteen (15) points. In Australia, Canada, Japan and USA each call district will be considered as a separate country. Multipliers : Each country per the DXCC list will count as one (1) multiplier on each band, including the first contact with Australia, Canada, Japan and the USA. Each call district in Australia, Canada, Japan and USA will count as one (1) additional multiplier on each band. Scoring : Sum of QSO points x sum of multipliers equals total score. SWL : Use the same rules for scoring, but based on stations and messages copied. Awards : To the top station in each class, country and district ment above, if the number of QSOs is reasonable. Logs : Logs must be received by June 10th 1994 in order to qualify. All logs must contain : Band, date/time UTC, message sent and received, points and multipliers. Use a separate sheet for each band and enclose a summary sheet showing the scoring, class, YOUR CALL, NAME, ADDRESS and a signed declar- ation that all contest rulwes and regulations for your own license have been observed. In case of multi-operator stations, the calls or names of all operators involved. Mail logs to : SARTG Contest Manager Bo Ohlsson, SM4CMG Skulsta 1258 S-710 41 Fellingsbro Sweden ------------------------------------ ANARTS April meeting -------------------- Please note that, because of Easter, the meeting will be put back a week until Friday 8th April. This is normal practice when the meeting clashes with a public holiday, and the 1st April is Good Friday. Hope to see some of you there. Time is 7.30 pm and takes place at the QTH of Keith VK2ZZO. For further information contact Col VK2CTD, Jim VK2BQS, or Pat VK2JPA (work 230 3722). Supper supplied. --------------------------------------- IPS weekly report ----------------- 24 MARCH - 30 MARCH 1994 Issue No 13 Date of issue: 31 March, 1994 INDICES: Date 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 10cm 093 091 089 088 088 086 086 A 18 12 09 09 09 06 (10 estimated) T 60 44 61 64 63 61 54 I.P.S. SUMMARY OF ACTIVITY Solar activity was very low 24th-29th March and low on 30th. The geomagnetic field at Learmonth (WA) mostly quiet to unsettled, except for active levels from 0900-1800 UT on 24th, and a period of minor storm levels 1500-1800 UT on 25th. Ionospheric F2 critical frequencies at Sydney ranged from near predicted levels to 30 per cent enhanced during the period 24th-29th March. Equipment failure prevented observation on 30th. Severe Spread F prevented foF2 determination at times on 26th, and Spread F was also observed on 28th-29th March. FORECAST FOR THE NEXT WEEK (31 MARCH - 7 APRIL) SOLAR: Very low to low. GEOMAGNETIC: Quiet to unsettled then coronal hole-induced active to minor storm levels are expected to start 3 April. IONOSPHERIC enhanced 10 - 15 per cent then depressions up to 20 per cent from predicted monthly values are expected after 3 April. Courtesy of IPS Radio and Space Services ---------------------------------------- VK2SG RTTY DX NOTES 25 MAR 94 VK2SG RTTY DXNOTES FOR WEEKENDING 25 MARCH 1994 (BID RTDX0325) OUR INFORMATION THIS WEEK CAME FROM 9X5LJ, DJ3IW AND THE CENTRAL EUROPE DX CLUSTER NODE DB0SPC, I5FLN, IK5AAX AND THE IK5PWJ PACKETCLUSTER, WB2CJL, W5KSI, ZS5S, AND THE NJ0M NODE OF THE TWIN CITIES DX PACKETCLUSTER NETWORK. THANKS TO ALL FOR YOUR HELP. BANDPASS: FRIDAY 18 0014-14082 ZP6EM 1201-14087 UT5DX 1343-14082 SU1AH 1444-14081 U8JA 1446-14086 UX0JA 1812-14089 ES7MM 1819-14083 ZD7DP 1929-14084 VP8CIL 2010-14084 TZ6FIC 2129-14085 9I2A QSL DL7VRO 2158-14088 8P6AW 2317-14089 CO2KG SATURDAY 19 0014-14086 UA0SMF 0155-14085 V31AR 0310-7088 HH2PK 0457-14086 FO5NA 0518-14090 VK2RT 0522-14084 UR0HQ 0540-14086 S53MJ 0541-14085 4X6UO 0543-21083 UN7GY 0546-14083 UR0HQ 0622-14087 ZL2AMI 0803-21083 ZD7DP 0845-21088 9N1AA 1001-21086 UU9JWB 1104-14081 OH0BBF 1106-21081 XU7VK 1137-14083 UN5PR 1137-14085 OH0/SK4BX 1141-21084 5R8DS 1251-21082 ZX2A 1251-14088 XE1/J1QXY 1258-14090 OH2AG 1327-21076 YB0ASI 1327-14081 GW5NF 1353-14087 UZ9CWA 1405-21081 HH2PK 1444-21084 A45ZW 1602-21077 S50C 1745-14088 EL0AB 1748-21089 ZP5JCY 1749-21086 7P8SR 1813-21083 ZP5ALI 1924-14088 FG5FI 1931-14081 PI4COM 1935-7040 4X6UO 1945-14090 SV2BFN 1957-14083 CP1FF 2009-14085 PJ9JT 2042-14084 CX3ABE 2058-14077 HP1AC 2107-14086 LU9DBK 2201-14093 HH2PK 2305-7040 HH2PK SUNDAY 20 0033-7089 WP4Q 0454-3608 HH2PK 0536-7036 4N7M 0604-14086 S92ZM 0611-21092 JN2UJA/1 0746-21086 RU0L 0752-21086 OD5PL 0758-21092 V85PB 0807-21087 UY2LW 0810-21084 ZL3GQ 0812-21085 5R8DS 1001-21088 9K2USA 1113-21082 ZX2A 1121-14085 HH2PK 1218-14087 HP1AC 1227-21088 TZ6FIC 1424-14090 V85GA 1320-21084 4X6UO 1428-14088 HI8BG 1432-21088 KP2N 1514-14081 OH0BBF 1514-21080 ZP5FGS 1528-21089 KP4CKY 1547-21078 S50C 1615-14087 4N7M 1710-21082 GW3YDX 1838-7040 ZA1MH 2346-14080 UA0SMF MONDAY 21 0005-14085 S92ZM 0053-14081 9I2Z 0055-14080 FG5FI 2122-14092 S57A 2245-14089 S92ZM TUESDAY 22 1654-14086 LZ1DB 1758-21085 ZS1CI 1822-21085 ZD7DP 2339-14083 CX7BF WEDNESDAY 23 NO REPORTS THURSDAY 24 NO REPORTS NOTES OF INTEREST: EUROPA - LOOK FOR JACQUES, FR5ZU/E BETWEEN 28 MARCH AND 25 APRIL. QSL TO VE2NW. FOR NEXT WEEK'S BULLETIN, SEND YOUR BANDPASS AMD NOTES OF INTEREST TO LUCIANO, I5FLN AT 9X5LJ.#KGL.RWA.AF, OR AT ZS5S.ZAF.AF. 73 AND GOOD HUNTING DE JULES W2JGR AT W2TKU.#SRQFL.FL.USA.NA. (VIA HF AMTOR) ------------------------------------------ Coming events 1994 April 8th ANARTS meeting 16th-17th SARTG WW AMTOR Contest 23rd-24th 1ST WW SPDX RTTY Contest Paper for Teleprinters ---------------------- Please, PLEASE, does anyone want some teleprinter paper, I have boxes of it. It is triplex paper (three sheets of paper, two sheets of carbon paper), you can have it for the cost of freight (you pay the freight). This paper will work in any pressure machine, or even typewriters, no good for tractor machines. When you unroll it you finish up with three rolls of paper and two rolls of carbon paper. The paper you can use, the carbon -- well you can give it to the children to mess up the house. Don't worry about the amount you want, I have enough. Contact Syd VK2SG, phone 02-631 2576 or ok in the call book. --------------------------------------- The Society may be contacted at : PO Box 860, Crows Nest 2065 Australia, for such matters as membership and general enquiries. Enquiries can also be made by packet to the President (Col) VK2CTD, or the Secretary (Pat) VK2JPA @ VK2RWI News items may be sent to Broadcast Officer PO Box 60 Blacktown 2148 Australia, or by packet to VK2JPA @ VK2RWI Email address for the Broadcast Officer is : The Society welcomes news items on any digital subjects from anywhere in the broadcast footprint area. We know we reach ZL and many South Pacific islands. We are looking forward to news from your areas to let other amateurs know what you are doing in the hobby. Hope to hear from you. 73s de Pat VK2JPA Broadcast Officer FOOTNOTE: VK2BQS uses VK2DAA as home BBS during the continued absence of VK2RWI. Messages routed via DAA c/o VK2BQS will eventually reach other members of ANARTS. That concludes ANARTS NEWS803 03/04/94. INSERTED BY VK2BQS (Jim) Vice-President A.N.A.R.T.S. -- Dave Horsfall (VK2KFU) VK2KFU @ VK2AAB.NSW.AUS.OC PGP 2.3 dave@esi.COM.AU ...munnari!esi.COM.AU!dave available ------------------------------ Date: 6 Apr 94 15:44:20 GMT From: agate!!!!ftpbox!mothost!lmpsbbs!NewsWatcher! Subject: Commercial Service in 10M Band? To: In article <>, (Darrell Earnshaw) wrote: > While reading this week's copy of Network World (dated March 28th), I noticed > on page 58 a table showing the comparisons between the various proposals for > global satellite communications. One which caught my eye was the proposal by > Bill Gates (a'ka Mr. Microsoft) and McCaw to use 840 (yep, 840) low-orbit > satellites using frequencies in the 28mHz range. This compared to Irridium (66 > satellies in the 1.6 Ghz range), and Globestar (48 satellites in the 1.6 Ghz > range). Interesting proposal... but I doubt whether it would get approved by > the WARC. > > -- Darrell NR3Y. Actually the proposal involves the no man's land above CB (27.41) and BELOW the amateur 10 meter band which starts at 28.000. Can you imagine anyone trying to operate a reliable data radio service in a band which: A) talks around the world when the sunspot cycle is semi-friendly; B) is populated with an estimated 150K illegal transmitters of power output levels from 4W to 4kW; C) gets virtually no enforcement action from the FCC because the offical occupants are federal governemnt stations not under the jurisdiction of the FCC. Maybe Bill Gate$ can afford to BUY all those interfering stations from their illegal operators, in which case he then could also pay a significant portion of the national debt and evict the Feds too! Or the ARRL could convince him to fund a nationwide improvement of NTS/AMPR and get the FCC to allow resale of time on the new digital traffic network! No, this is NOT an April Fool article! 8-) -- Karl Beckman, P.E. < STUPIDITY is an elemental force for which > Motorola Comm - Fixed Data < no earthquake is a match. -- Karl Kraus > The statements and opinions expressed here are not those of Motorola Inc. Motorola paid a marketing firm a huge sum of money to get their opinions; they have made it clear that they do not wish to share those of employees. Amateur radio WA8NVW @ K8MR.NEOH.USA.NA NavyMARS VBH @ NOGBN.NOASI ------------------------------ Date: 7 Apr 1994 09:25:52 -0400 From:!swrinde!emory!!!eff!!hookup!!!! Subject: Dayton Room Available To: I have reservations for Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights for the Motel 6 across from the Dayton Mall and the shuttle buses. Free to whoever can you them with the agreement that they will make reservations for next year. email to ab4vj ------------------------------ Date: 6 Apr 94 15:44:52 EST From: sgiblab!wetware!spunky.RedBrick.COM!psinntp!psinntp!! Subject: ICOM SSB CW AM for Sale! To: For Sale: ICOM SSB CW AM HF Transceiver IC730 W/ Dosy Test Center Asking $525.00 Please E-mail me for questions and offers. Steve ------------------------------ Date: 8 Apr 94 05:20:00 GMT From: Subject: ORBS$098.2L.AMSAT To: SB KEPS @ AMSAT $ORBS-098.N 2Line Orbital Elements 098.AMSAT HR AMSAT ORBITAL ELEMENTS FOR AMATEUR SATELLITES IN NASA FORMAT FROM WA5QGD FORT WORTH,TX April 8, 1994 BID: $ORBS-098.N DECODE 2-LINE ELSETS WITH THE FOLLOWING KEY: 1 AAAAAU 00 0 0 BBBBB.BBBBBBBB .CCCCCCCC 00000-0 00000-0 0 DDDZ 2 AAAAA EEE.EEEE FFF.FFFF GGGGGGG HHH.HHHH III.IIII JJ.JJJJJJJJKKKKKZ KEY: A-CATALOGNUM B-EPOCHTIME C-DECAY D-ELSETNUM E-INCLINATION F-RAAN G-ECCENTRICITY H-ARGPERIGEE I-MNANOM J-MNMOTION K-ORBITNUM Z-CHECKSUM TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT AO-10 1 14129U 83058B 94093.93015575 -.00000105 00000-0 10000-3 0 2737 2 14129 27.1781 334.0078 6020533 167.5108 219.1680 2.05877978 81253 UO-11 1 14781U 84021B 94096.58268703 .00000327 00000-0 63285-4 0 6798 2 14781 97.7904 114.6531 0012422 134.3680 225.8545 14.69185628539790 RS-10/11 1 18129U 87054A 94096.18122248 .00000067 00000-0 57349-4 0 8872 2 18129 82.9274 22.0643 0010248 220.6223 139.4177 13.72334834340034 AO-13 1 19216U 88051B 94091.48205291 -.00000461 00000-0 10000-4 0 8980 2 19216 57.8647 260.1651 7210810 338.2200 2.3008 2.09726624 44409 FO-20 1 20480U 90013C 94093.91224327 -.00000043 00000-0 -30944-4 0 6734 2 20480 99.0286 259.8058 0541198 147.6860 215.8633 12.83224718194603 AO-21 1 21087U 91006A 94096.76922921 .00000093 00000-0 82657-4 0 4517 2 21087 82.9460 195.5516 0033925 284.0542 75.6843 13.74537051159776 RS-12/13 1 21089U 91007A 94095.92841184 .00000034 00000-0 20820-4 0 6777 2 21089 82.9188 65.0333 0028619 312.8771 46.9979 13.74038159158721 ARSENE 1 22654U 93031B 94089.09349977 -.00000105 00000-0 00000 0 0 2486 2 22654 1.5156 104.5135 2923641 175.5080 188.1427 1.42202601 77 UO-14 1 20437U 90005B 94094.18864115 .00000063 00000-0 41497-4 0 9785 2 20437 98.5904 179.9647 0011994 50.9587 309.2663 14.29834719219014 AO-16 1 20439U 90005D 94093.26738149 .00000076 00000-0 46422-4 0 7787 2 20439 98.6001 180.2108 0012270 53.9212 306.3104 14.29889216218893 DO-17 1 20440U 90005E 94093.71879587 .00000058 00000-0 39572-4 0 7778 2 20440 98.5997 180.9543 0012412 51.3730 308.8563 14.30028150218972 WO-18 1 20441U 90005F 94094.25256090 .00000049 00000-0 35972-4 0 7799 2 20441 98.6007 181.4888 0013013 50.7174 309.5160 14.30003284219059 LO-19 1 20442U 90005G 94093.74592051 .00000060 00000-0 40227-4 0 7773 2 20442 98.6010 181.2260 0013246 51.9430 308.2937 14.30098281218993 UO-22 1 21575U 91050B 94096.62196308 .00000104 00000-0 49862-4 0 4801 2 21575 98.4392 172.5493 0008170 138.1574 222.0255 14.36905377142801 KO-23 1 22077U 92052B 94093.90979456 -.00000037 00000-0 10000-3 0 3742 2 22077 66.0795 75.4986 0012237 305.4986 54.4889 12.86285631 77231 AO-27 1 22825U 93061C 94095.20620110 .00000048 00000-0 37491-4 0 2754 2 22825 98.6598 171.7361 0009638 62.0236 298.1903 14.27616610 27271 IO-26 1 22826U 93061D 94094.70192756 .00000052 00000-0 38697-4 0 2753 2 22826 98.6593 171.2616 0010140 64.2606 295.9612 14.27719595 27201 KO-25 1 22830U 93061H 94093.74818451 .00000059 00000-0 41116-4 0 2788 2 22830 98.5599 168.3571 0012553 37.4701 322.7354 14.28044298 27075 NOAA-9 1 15427U 84123A 94096.96691714 .00000104 00000-0 79416-4 0 7745 2 15427 99.0631 146.5985 0016149 62.1791 298.1005 14.13604747480288 NOAA-10 1 16969U 86073A 94096.95319952 .00000054 00000-0 41269-4 0 6730 2 16969 98.5122 108.1277 0012929 173.0330 187.1032 14.24877528392460 MET-2/17 1 18820U 88005A 94093.66879616 .00000072 00000-0 50427-4 0 2763 2 18820 82.5429 327.8717 0018087 33.1391 327.0888 13.84712948312043 MET-3/2 1 19336U 88064A 94089.83574800 .00000051 00000-0 10000-3 0 2727 2 19336 82.5443 19.1260 0018339 97.2779 263.0433 13.16965918272948 NOAA-11 1 19531U 88089A 94083.23885812 .00000062 00000-0 58133-4 0 5722 2 19531 99.1670 70.0925 0012545 15.7107 344.4450 14.12969487283226 MET-2/18 1 19851U 89018A 94093.77791533 .00000070 00000-0 49481-4 0 2751 2 19851 82.5203 203.2318 0015846 76.3600 283.9325 13.84360581257398 MET-3/3 1 20305U 89086A 94096.89802122 .00000044 00000-0 10000-3 0 196 2 20305 82.5496 319.2682 0006914 92.4930 267.6966 13.04406356213600 MET-2/19 1 20670U 90057A 94092.98290424 .00000024 00000-0 79036-5 0 7778 2 20670 82.5407 268.1974 0016849 2.5004 357.6234 13.84189785190216 FY-1/2 1 20788U 90081A 94096.57359175 -.00000029 00000-0 93257-5 0 9356 2 20788 98.8347 118.9912 0013640 203.7746 156.2787 14.01311548183679 MET-2/20 1 20826U 90086A 94094.25698003 .00000080 00000-0 59029-4 0 7861 2 20826 82.5246 204.7890 0011958 255.0900 104.8936 13.83576540177538 MET-3/4 1 21232U 91030A 94093.84087512 .00000050 00000-0 10000-3 0 6843 2 21232 82.5414 222.1406 0013588 17.3282 342.8306 13.16460528141571 NOAA-12 1 21263U 91032A 94093.55971056 .00000146 00000-0 84888-4 0 9892 2 21263 98.6259 122.9593 0014150 91.5218 268.7581 14.22387096149927 MET-3/5 1 21655U 91056A 94097.16784425 .00000051 00000-0 10000-3 0 6926 2 21655 82.5566 166.8994 0014492 19.2230 340.9434 13.16829137127113 MET-2/21 1 22782U 93055A 94093.48854630 .00000015 00000-0 95213-7 0 2868 2 22782 82.5455 265.6275 0023942 74.0584 286.3202 13.83003079 29764 POSAT 1 22829U 93061G 94093.75201779 .00000076 00000-0 48417-4 0 2685 2 22829 98.6553 170.3360 0011162 53.7559 306.4652 14.28016008 27078 MIR 1 16609U 86017A 94096.79131291 .00006403 00000-0 88312-4 0 5585 2 16609 51.6471 184.1054 0015736 115.6169 244.6451 15.58521118464908 HUBBLE 1 20580U 90037B 94095.90580279 .00000957 00000-0 80537-4 0 4646 2 20580 28.4718 340.2613 0005998 52.7779 307.3363 14.90560134 18595 GRO 1 21225U 91027B 94096.05631878 .00005016 00000-0 11341-3 0 803 2 21225 28.4631 12.7463 0003574 122.8378 237.2614 15.40560142 45801 UARS 1 21701U 91063B 94095.89941204 -.00001918 00000-0 -14672-3 0 5006 2 21701 56.9821 88.7357 0004369 96.0653 264.0883 14.96441515140111 /EX ------------------------------ Date: 8 Apr 94 05:17:00 GMT From: Subject: ORBS$098.MISC.AMSAT To: SB KEPS @ AMSAT $ORBS-098.M Orbital Elements 098.MISC HR AMSAT ORBITAL ELEMENTS FOR MANNED AND MISCELLANEOUS SATELLITES FROM WA5QGD FORT WORTH,TX April 8, 1994 BID: $ORBS-098.M TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT Satellite: POSAT Catalog number: 22829 Epoch time: 94093.75201779 Element set: 268 Inclination: 98.6553 deg RA of node: 170.3360 deg Eccentricity: 0.0011162 Arg of perigee: 53.7559 deg Mean anomaly: 306.4652 deg Mean motion: 14.28016008 rev/day Decay rate: 7.6e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 2707 Checksum: 298 Satellite: MIR Catalog number: 16609 Epoch time: 94096.79131291 Element set: 558 Inclination: 51.6471 deg RA of node: 184.1054 deg Eccentricity: 0.0015736 Arg of perigee: 115.6169 deg Mean anomaly: 244.6451 deg Mean motion: 15.58521118 rev/day Decay rate: 6.403e-05 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 46490 Checksum: 306 Satellite: HUBBLE Catalog number: 20580 Epoch time: 94095.90580279 Element set: 464 Inclination: 28.4718 deg RA of node: 340.2613 deg Eccentricity: 0.0005998 Arg of perigee: 52.7779 deg Mean anomaly: 307.3363 deg Mean motion: 14.90560134 rev/day Decay rate: 9.57e-06 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 1859 Checksum: 324 Satellite: GRO Catalog number: 21225 Epoch time: 94096.05631878 Element set: 80 Inclination: 28.4631 deg RA of node: 12.7463 deg Eccentricity: 0.0003574 Arg of perigee: 122.8378 deg Mean anomaly: 237.2614 deg Mean motion: 15.40560142 rev/day Decay rate: 5.016e-05 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 4580 Checksum: 273 Satellite: UARS Catalog number: 21701 Epoch time: 94095.89941204 Element set: 500 Inclination: 56.9821 deg RA of node: 88.7357 deg Eccentricity: 0.0004369 Arg of perigee: 96.0653 deg Mean anomaly: 264.0883 deg Mean motion: 14.96441515 rev/day Decay rate: -1.918e-05 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 14011 Checksum: 306 /EX ------------------------------ Date: 7 Apr 94 20:45:16 GMT From: agate!!!!branch!branch!Alan.Spicer! Subject: Question:ICOM 32AT Mod. To: Hello Hams! I have recently picked up a used Icom 32AT handheld - of which I owned one once before. I am performing the following Mods:: Expanded RF/Cross Band Repeator/10 MHZ Entry. I have the book: Radio / Tech Modifications - by Artsci Inc., and have followed their (one page?) mod. So I basically have the mod completed. The Problem? Well this one page mod in this book is not very complete. I need to tune the radio for the higher end. They tell you in a two line "instruction" below the 10th step in the mod, to do the following: (and I quote): "Adjust C-510 to get .25 volts at UHF test point at lowest desired frequencie. C-510 is located in metal box. The test point is located next to the metal box." [ end quoted text ] it proceeds to show a diagram of the IC-32AT Logic Board, which was mildly helpful, however no diagram of this area where this C-510 is. While I had the radio apart - I had it down to the RF section - all the way at the bottom of the radio (under that main board?)... and as far as I can see THERE ARE TWO (OR THREE?) QUALIFYING "METAL BOXES". No test point or C-510 is labeled. --------------- --------------- Does anyone know where this test-point and variable capacitor is (for sure) ?? Also my previous radio same model was tuned by another ham (for a price) [ which I am trying to avoid ] - and he tuned other coils etc, however neither the mod-book nor Icoms included docs is much help there. The mod seems to have worked ok (I think?) Except for being able to recieve higher on UHF, and there is no high-end tx on the VHF. Thanks to anyone for any help! And if you have an info file - and can send it to me somehow please do. I'm on FidoNet at 1:369/138. and my bbs is up 24-hours on 305-938-7088. Internet, or inca!!aspicer. All msgs are .forwarded to my mailer on FidoNet. If you don't know (for sure) - save bandwidth! Don't answer! If you do - Netmail, or Email Replies are ok - unless the info will be helpful to the masses? Alan Spicer / KA4UDX / Sysop CIIS - Command Interpreter BBS. --- WM v3.10/93-0975 ------------------------------ Date: 8 Apr 94 10:59:27 GMT From: agate!!eff!!ub!! Subject: WANTED: Shure 55S Microphone To: Looking for a Shure 55S dynamic microphone. Must work and be in very good condition. Please reply via E-Mail. Thanks. Joe K2VXV -- ------------------------------ Date: 7 Apr 94 12:13:34 GMT From:!usc!!gatech!concert!bdrc!! To: References <2ns4t8$>, <2nsc27$>, <>d Subject : Re: HAM ON BIKE In article <> (Louis Destree) writes: > You may want to check out the April issue of 73 magazine. They >have an article about a group of motorcycle mobile hams. You could >probably contact the group for more info. I'm sure one of em' has >kludged their radio equipment... Radios? Oh, HAM on bike. I thought this was more about Porkers on Patrol. Nevermind... RPC |Rick Clarke ( |Does my employer stand behind what| |"still waiting for a good quote" | I say? | |RTP, NC, USA DoD#5811 |Not in this universe. | ------------------------------ End of Info-Hams Digest V94 #389 ****************************** ******************************